Equine Testimonials & Advice
A note from FascialEdge Designer & MD Andrew Glaister D.C.
I made the first FascialEdge® over 12 years ago. I needed something to help me work deeper and more thoroughly on my clients’ horses. The first version was made from hardwood, turned on a lathe! However, the horses definitely gave it their nod of approval. Since that time I have constantly refined the tool to make it more comfortable for the user and the horse alike. The working edges of the current Titanium plated model are precision machined on a computer controlled lathe. They give the perfect pressure. From the comments above you can see that the horses still approve! When you buy the tool you will need some time to get used to it. This is normal. Follow the videos, read the notes and practice. In no time you will have a wonderful skill, literally … at your fingertips. Your horse will thank you for it!
Copies / Imitations
There are cheap copies of the FascialEdge® tool about. They tend to have sharp edges which can potentially cause bruising to the horses, and your hands. The genuine FascialEdge® will last a lifetime. For your horse`s, and your hands sake, get the real thing to start off with!
What about my Vet and Back-Person?
They will be pleased that you are maintaining your horse on a regular basis. An ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure. The FascialEdge® is widely used by vets, therapists and trainers. But if problems persist do seek expert advice. Get your horses’ back, teeth and saddle-fit checked regularly. Your horses` health always comes first. The FascialEdge® won’t turn you into a back expert, but it will give you valuable skills to help look after your horse`s back on a weekly basis.
The Fascial Edge Kit

Fascial Edge Tool
Super comfortable for horse and user Solid Titanium for ultra low friction One quality tool that will last a lifetime
Memory Stick Video Guide
Live footage of every massage move
Graphic illustrations of the Scanlines
Instructions Booklet
Step-by-step photos & descriptions
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